Index of Articles and Essays

The Odyssey for Homer

The Odyssey, written by Homer, described the epic journey of Odysseus and his journey home after the end of the Trojan War. While I wouldn't describe my recent research pursuits as epic, I did recently embark upon an odyssey of my own - a quest to find Homer... Homer Mitchell.


As University students unpacked their bonnets - with all the frills upon it -and dusted off their baskets in preparation for the Easter holiday in 1937, they were introduced to a multi-cultural celebration of Easter traditions at the University Gallery, which held a one-day exhibit of Ukranian Easter Eggs.

Clippings from the Minneapolis Tribune and the MN Daily found within the Gallery press books illuminate the exhibit, cultural traditions, and artistry involved in the decoration of eggs in the Ukraine:

Curt, Quick... Quirt

After viewing the exhibit poster for "Walter Quirt: Paintings and Drawings, Jan. 6 to 26, 1959," here is a short and brief glimpse into the 1959 records that document the exhibition of the works of University faculty member Walter Quirt:

"This is art-just in case you don't know."

In March of 1938, the Gallery exhibited, "International Show of Abstract Painting and Sculpture," which included works from Eileen Holding of Chicago and other works loaned from New York galleries. Artists represented in the show included: Alexander Calder, Naum Gabo, Jean Helion, Henry Moore, Ladislaus Moholy-Nagy, and John Piper.

A clipping indicates how the Minneapolis Journal covered the exhibition:

Who are you?

In addition to the records contained in the WAM archival collection, there are other records related to the museum that can be found in other collections at the University Archives. Archives staff shared with us photographs from the Photograph Collection related to the University Gallery. The only problem was, a few of the photographs did not have captions, thus, we could not determine who was captured within the image.

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