In addition to the records contained in the WAM archival collection, there are other records related to the museum that can be found in other collections at the University Archives. Archives staff shared with us photographs from the Photograph Collection related to the University Gallery. The only problem was, a few of the photographs did not have captions, thus, we could not determine who was captured within the image.
Who are you?

It is not until I came across an article in The Minnesotan, 1967-1968 on the Digital Conservancy that I found an answer. These very photos were published alongside a feature article about the gallery titled, "The Place Upstairs" (referring to the gallery - located upstairs in Northrop Auditorium). Pages 6 and 7 of the issue of this publication featured the two photographs from the Photograph Collection at the Archives, and also provided captions...
Left Image: "Museum Director Charles C. Savage, Museum Assistant Helen M. Thian, Art Gallery Technician Larry L. Grunewald."
Right Image: "Mrs. Harold W. Smith and Mrs. Robert L. Summers chat at the opening of the Faculty Women's Club exhibition at the Gallery."
Thank you again Digital Conservancy!
Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca Wilson is a graduate student in the Master of Liberal Studies program at the University of Minnesota, completing a minor in Museum Studies. She also serves as a Visitor Services Assistant at the Weisman Art Museum.