Index of Articles and Essays

Something fishy...

The recent opening of WAM's summer show, Tenuous, Though Real, which features Minnesota artists, has me wondering - What makes a Minnesotan? There are certainly stereotypes - such as the tendency to accentuate vowels in verbal conversation, knowing the definition of the term "lutefisk," and harboring a preferential way in which one prepares "lefsa" (If it isn't with brown sugar, than all I have to say is... Ufda.)

John Rood: The Metamorphosis of a Sculptor

John Rood was born in Athens, Ohio in 1901. He left school at age 12 to help support his widowed mother, but continued to learn and teach himself in music, literature and writing. After securing a job as an office boy, John was able to save enough money to send himself to high school. He studied in various subjects and was able to graduate in one year.

Explore Minnesota

This upcoming Saturday, WAM opens its "summer show", an annual seasonal focus on Minnesota artists represented in the museum's permanent collection.  The title of the exhibit, Tenuous, Though Real, is from a description of Minnesota artists written by art historian Rena Neumann Cohen in her 1976 book, Minnesota Painting and Sculpture from 1820 to 1914.

A post on posters...

Planning continues for the WAM Files exhibit that will open at WAM on July 14th... The exhibit will feature, amongst other unique items from the Archives, some of the first items of intrigue that the project processors encountered - University Gallery exhibition posters. A WAM Files blog post from February 27, 2011 profiles processor Areca's initial reaction to her discovery of a set of exhibit posters.

2 "e's" and 2 "f's"

Throughout the summer and fall of 1935, Dean Malcolm Willey and curator Ruth Lawrence were busy making preparations to open a Fine Arts Room as an extension of the