Index of Articles and Essays

Art & Nature

Over the course of the past few days, nature has had a great affect on the mood and demeanor of those that inhabit the Twin Cities. As we reach the middle of December, "mother nature" has provided us with a temperature of 40 degrees and a climate of rainstorms, only to be followed by a temperature of 25-degrees and freezing rain the next day. For those that were able to witness the brief moment that the sun made an appearance in as many as 2 days early this morning, consider yourself to be one of the lucky ones...

An apple a day...

Helps you appreciate art in a new way?


Amongst the records of WAM there has resided an occasional personnel file.

WAM Music

When the Frank Gehry designed Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum was built in 1993, a space was created not only for exhibition, education, and experiences with art, but also for another 'e' - events. The space provided the museum the opportunity to stage seminars, lectures, symposiums, and concerts in conjunction with exhibitions and educational programming, as well as offer space rental for private events such as wedding receptions and holiday parties.

Applying the Busa Theory: 2 + 2 = 5

The project staff of the WAM Files - Areca, Katie, Erik and myself recently presented our project process and discoveries at the Andersen Library First Fridays event held on November 4. In preparation, we began to add up all of the project results - stories uncovered, boxes processed, hours devoted, etc. I was excited to share our project - yet admittedly unprepared for the reaction we received. After we presented our project and results, we opened the floor for questions... only to receive an exclamation: "We want more!"