We offer a number of accessibility resources to provide a full experience for museum visitors of all ages and abilities. While we can’t guarantee all accommodations, we will try our best to fulfill your request. If you have any questions about accommodations beyond those listed below, please email our Public Engagement and Learning department at [email protected]
Parking & Transportation
The museum’s 120-space parking ramp is open 24/7 and includes five designated disability parking spaces in close proximity to the museum elevator.
Tips: Campus parking is sometimes tricky, and ramps may fill quickly during the school year. If the Museum Garage sign reads "Reservation Only" and you need a disability parking space: Approach the gate at the entrance, and press the "INFO" button to call for a Parking and Transportation Services staffperson. When they respond, if you present a disability hang tag, or have a visible disability license plate, the Parking and Transportation Services staffperson will let you in to see if there is a disability parking spot available. (Sometimes, even when the ramp is noted to be full, there are disability parking spaces that remain open.) There is also a disability parking space on the pad to the north of the Museum Garage entrance that is sometimes available.
Additional nearby parking options: Metered street parking is available on East River Road. Additional parking is available in the nearby East River Ramp with stair-free access to the museum entrance level through Coffman Union.
Parking is free for up to three hours if a state disability permit or license plate is properly displayed. You can get maps for disability parking spaces and get estimated walk times from select locations on campus.
Metro Mobility
Metro Mobility and similar transportation services are instructed to drop off and pick up passengers by the museum entrance on East River Parkway. Push button activated doors provide visitors entrance to Level A and the elevator to Level 1 ( galleries and gender neutral accessible bathroom) or Level 2 (administration offices and accessible gendered bathrooms).
Bus and light rail service with disability-reserved seating is available in close proximity to the of the museum along Washington Avenue and Pleasant Street.
Program registration provides space to request accessibility services. Most programs are provided in a variety of formats such as recordings, printed out materials, or materials that can be sent in advance (such as ppt presentations) and are promoted on our website and social media channels.
The Weisman is happy to provide printed materials in braille with at least two weeks notice. Please email [email protected] with requests. Building directional signs are in Braille. Accessibility information is available on our printed materials.
Strollers and Bags
Baby strollers are permitted in the galleries. Large bags and backpacks must be left at the Visitor Services desk.
If you choose to bring small bags or backpacks with you into the galleries, please carry them by hand, or wear them on the front of your body.
**WAM allows visitors with medical bags to wear them on their backs, or as needed on their body elsewhere, while in the galleries. Please request a medical bag tag, available from our front desk staff, so gallery attendants are made aware.
All entrances, galleries and public areas are accessible to visitors who use mobility devices or prefer to avoid stairs. There are two wheelchairs available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Visitor Services desk. The museum, including all galleries, are ADA accessible. Wheelchair accessibility is factored into exhibit design, including case height and label placement. A handicap button for door access is available on parking level B.
Portable stools are available on a first-come-first serve basis, and can be used for seating within our galleries. If you need help locating a portable stool, a member of the visitor services team can help. Limited in-gallery seating is also available.
Guided tours led by WAM Student Tour Guides are available on a weekly basis. Check our events page for specific times, topics, and multilingual options.
Self guided and Verbal Description tours are available upon request.
For custom tours and access needs, please contact [email protected].
360 Virtual Tour
WAM’s virtual 360 tour is a self-directed visit of WAM’s physical spaces.
Social Narrative
Download the Weisman Art Museum's social narrative. A social narrative is a tool intended to increase comfort and familiarity with the museum by providing photos, descriptions of museum spaces, and other tips to visitors before they visit us.
Exhibition Information Accessibility
The Weisman is pleased to provide visitors access to Capption, a service to help you access information about the art on view, in a way that suits your needs, right from your smartphone. Tap the "C" symbol next to artwork information in select galleries, and instantly load artwork information—in your preferred language, at the text size that works best for you— directly to your phone.
The Capption app:
Puts WAM artwork and exhibition information directly onto your smartphone
Lets you carry exhibition information with you, so you control the reading experience
Allows you to adjust the size of text to make information easier to read
Instantly translates exhibition information into 136 languages
Includes alt text and image description
Saves your scan history, so you can revisit the information as you like
Closed Captioning, ASL, & Language Interpretation
We offer automatically generated closed-captions for all our virtual talks. To request American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation or CART captioning, let us know in advance by contacting [email protected]
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices are available at the visitor services desk for group visits and tours.
Baby Changing Stations
There are baby changing stations located in all restrooms.
A fully accessible, single stall gender neutral restroom is available on the first floor behind the Visitor Services front desk. Fully accessible gendered restrooms are located on the second floor of the museum, and can be accessed by an elevator or stairs.
Sensory Bags
Sensory bags are available for check-out at the front desk and include: sunglasses, headphones, fidgets, and a visual timer. These tools can help meet sensory needs and promote positive regulation of the senses. Use sensory tools to enhance your focus or calm during a museum visit. Visitors of any age may find sensory tools useful. We have smaller headphones and larger headphones depending on what the individual needs.
Mental Health
WAM recognizes that invisible disabilities such as mental illness are common on campus and in the general population and that stress relief is one of the major reasons people cite for museum attendance. However, some depictions in artworks can be traumatizing depending on an individual or group's past experiences or current struggles. WAM reviews exhibit content with this in mind, and takes precautions to minimize negative emotional experiences such as placing potentially challenging works in areas that allow for content warnings prior to entering this space. WAM has also been proactive to feature exhibits that specifically address mental health so as to increase the conversation around this topic. WAM provides study nights and stress relief events for visitors in the gallery spaces.
Architectural Access
The museum seeks to be accessible for all visitors. The University of Minnesota’s Disability Resource Center routinely reviews the museum to make sure that no barriers exist for visitors. Have feedback about how the museum can be more accessible? Please reach out to [email protected]

Service Animals
Service animals are welcome in the museum. To learn more, please see the University of Minnesota service animal policy.