Index of Articles and Essays

Member Feature: Olivia

Name: Olivia Latimer
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Madison, WI
College: College of Liberal Arts


Last year the WAM Collective had the privilege to work with local dance collective Kelvin Wailey for our performance intermission at the 2016 Design Showcase.

WAM Collection Feature: José Clemente Orozco

José Clemente Orozco was a Mexican painter known for his political frescoes that, together with Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros, launched the Mexican Mural Renaissance.

Known as the most important 20th century artist to work in fresco, Jose Clemente Orozco was born in Mexico in 1883. His interest in art began at the age of 7, when he would pass the Mexico City workshop of José Guadalupe Posada on his way to and from school each day. Captivated by Posada’s sensational illustrations, Orozco began attending night classes at the Academy of San Carlos.

WAM Book Club

Bring your book club to the museum and enjoy the connections from the literary to the artwork on the walls.

This fall WAM is excited to offer you three hand-selected books to read in conjunction with our exhibitions.

The WAM Book Club is an optional reading list that you and your literary-loving friends can choose from, read, and then schedule a private, custom tour with a tour guide who also read your book of choice. The tour will include a special spin on the exhibition and how it relates to the corresponding book and author.

In dialogue with Rebecca Krinke

This past September The Talking Cure opened at the Weisman Art Museum combining the work of New York-based artist Melissa Stern with local artist, UMN faculty member, and 2016-17 Target Studio artist-in-residence, Rebecca Krinke. The Talking Cure features 12 sculptures by Melissa Stern combining found objects, written monologues, and digital recordings into personified archetypes of emotion.