Index of Articles and Essays

Design Showcase IMPRINTS Under Way

Our 6th annual design showcase IMPRINTS is in full swing this semester as apparel design students visit the museum and begin concept development for their designs. Taking inspiration from Melissa Stern’s exhibition The Talking Cure and Rebecca Krinke’s practice in What Needs To Be Said students are tasked with creating a runway garment that utilizes non-traditional, found, upcycled and recycled items that ‘speak to them.’

The Inclusive Holiday Party Check-List

It’s that time of the year again, the time to spread joy and cheer and rejoice that finals are almost over. The best way to show you are grateful for your friends and family for always having your back is to throw a little party. As you gear up for the holiday season, be mindful that not everyone celebrates the same traditions. Throwing an inclusive holiday party is easier than it has ever been thanks to the help of Instagram-ers, Pinterest-ers, bloggers, and the rest of the internet community.

Fall Reflections

I find I am always sadder during the fall semester. It’s difficult to adjust after the lazy warmth of summer and in three fall semesters, I’ve moved into three different places. I am very rooted in safety and environment. In order to feel good and work hard, I need time to turn off and be secure. Instead, it’s moving boxes and homework and days getting darker. It clouds my mind, makes it more difficult to deal with anxiety and depression.

Lauren’s Declassified Finals Survival Playlist

Like many of my fellow students, listening to some good tunes help me get through many hours of studying. As you buckle down this weekend to study for finals, here are some of my favorite jams for focusing in and tuning the world out.

How to Survive Finals: A Step by Step Guide

While December may be “the most wonderful time of the year” for some, every college student knows that it is certainly the most stressful. With the impending doom created as a result of term projects and final exams, these last few weeks of the school year may seem impossible to get through. This is my seventh semester in college, so by now, I’d like to think that I’ve got a *slight* handle on the end of the semester… which is why I’ve compiled a list of all everything you need to power through!

1. Make a Plan & Set Goals