Index of Articles and Essays

Where in the world?

Could it be Delaware?

Could it be Washington?

Yes to both.


A Curious Little Package

What could be in this curious little package, rubber band stuck, found jammed into to the front pocket of a 25 year-old blue binder?


Mystery slides!


The images on these slides look like mysterious runes or a secret language and in a way, that's exactly what they are. These images depict potter's marks, which are a kind of icon or signature used by studio potters to identify their works. In a museum setting, we rarely get to see these marks because they are usually located inconspicuously on the bottom of works.

To be 10 Years Old!

Like cloud gazing, the Weisman Art Museum's facade reflects the world around us and captivates adults and children alike.

Among other festive activities and exhibitions celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the building in 2003, young visitors were invited to collaboratively color this poster-size image of the Weisman.

I might see a reflection of Andersen Library in shadow, an orange sun setting behind it.

What catches your eye?

One Gehry to Another - Postcards to the Museum

Usually we think of sending postcards from a museum, but postcards sent to a museum? Today's archival highlight is just that: postcards sent to the Weisman Art Museum highlighting Frank Gehry designed buildings around the world. 

From the Publicity Books: Honoring Ruth Lawrence...II

Upon donation in July 1958, the painting was displayed as the "Picture of the Month" in Northrup Auditorium's east stairwell.  Although it was described as brightly colored in a newspaper article, by today's standards the color pallet might be called reserved, subdued or earthy. What is surprising to me is that amidst these seemingly murky tones is the definite sense of light reflecting and even emanating from within the still life.