Index of Articles and Essays

The Gallery Goes to Washington

When not in the sub-basement of Andersen Library processing the WAM files, my whereabouts on campus are often confined to an area just to the south of the library, to encompass Heller Hall, Wilson Library, and the Hubert H. Humphrey Center.

A Matter of Records

Although the exhibits previously held at the Gallery, such as the exhibit, "People of the Plains: 1820-1850," could never be reproduced exactly as they were first displayed, the records that were kept in planning and production can create for those who weren't able to attend, (for example, those who were not yet born...) an idea of what the exhibit might have been like.

From the UM New Service, Aug. 9, 1978 (Digital Conservancy), a news release of programming related to the exhibit was found:



A thief struck the University Gallery in June of 1967, stealing 6 prints right out of their frames. According to the theft report in the files, the prints (meaning woodcuts, lithographs, and the like) were works by very well-known artists, including Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Max Beckmann, and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The report states:

A Bicentennial Exhibition of Art and Architecture

As a researcher and museum fanatic, to read back on the events and accomplishments of the exhibit titled, "A Bicentennial Exhibition of Minnesota Art and Architecture," I felt the need to push my jaw back up to meet my front bite, after the many drops in awe of the events surrounding this exhibition, the records for which filled ¾ of Box 16, the entirety of Box 17, and even a few more folders that lingered into Boxes 18 and 19.

Process: A Public Sculpture

If you've spent much time on the East Bank of the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities campus, you've no doubt seen the large steel sculpture near Williamson Hall. I've walked by it many times without knowing the artist or the title of the work — until I found a WAM file called "Process: A Public Sculpture by Stewart Luckman". The University Gallery had an exhibition in 1981 showcasing images and plans from the making of the sculpture.