Index of Articles and Essays

Look at America

Look was a popular bi-weekly magazine that ran from 1937 to 1971 and had an emphasis on photography rather than articles, a bit like Life Magazine. In the files, I found a number of photographs from an exhibition titled Look at America, but I have found no other documentation about this exhibition—I can't even tell with certainty what year it took place in the University Gallery. The introductory wall text reads:

Evolution of a Catalogue

The Go Betweens: The Lives of Immigrant Children was an exhibition developed by the University Art Museum and shown in 1986. Along with the catalogue, I found some sketches done by the designers outlining what the final catalogue would look like. I always find it interesting to peek behind the scenes and see the work that goes into creating products such as a catalogue or an exhibition...

On the road again...

In 1976, the Gallery partnered with the Minnesota Motor Transport Association and the Vocational-Technical Institute #916 Truck Driver Training program to secure transportation for the traveling compo

Series... spill...

The contents of the folders contained within the WAM files not only document the specific activities of the Weisman (and the titles that proceed it) but also of associations the museum was and

Art Rental Program

The Weisman Art Museum has a wonderful art rental program that allows students, employees, and departments to rent works of art by the semester or the year. I knew of the program, but what I didn't realize is that it has been part of the Weisman/University Gallery since the very beginning. The rental program began in 1934 at the Gallery, where framed print reproductions were available for students to rent for only 25 cents per academic quarter — a cheap way to decorate drab dorm or department walls.