Index of Articles and Essays

Seong Moy

The artist Seong Moy was hired at the University as an Art Lecturer for the spring quarter of 1950-1951. As was customary for visiting artists in the Department of Art, an exhibition of Moy's work was displayed at the Gallery during his appointment (exhibit dates: May 3-June 15, 1951).

Purchase Prizes

In 1950, the University Gallery announced it would be holding it's first national print exhibit, inviting artists from across the country to submit entries for competition of prizes of up to $600 (UM News Release, September 20, 1950: Digital Conservancy).

You are cordially invited... II

Previously we shared in invitation to a talk related to a past exhibit. This month's invitation offers an evening of scenic design, vaudeville, a light supper and dancing in celebration of a past exhibit...

Federal Students

In the early years of the Gallery, personnel consisted of the curator, Ruth Lawrence, and to those who are referred to in the archival records as, "federal students." This title is written in pencil on the back of a photograph in Box 3:

All the Way to the Bank

The University Gallery assisted with the installation of two John Rood sculptures in the National American Bank in Minneapolis in 1975. (Rood was a professor of art at the University if Minnesota from 1944-1946.) On the surface this is not a particularly interesting topic, but I quite liked these installation drawings I found in the files. The carefully rendered drawings show the sculptures with a stylishly-dressed customer for scale, and are interesting drawings by themselves.