Index of Articles and Essays

Curated Experiences

Art exhibitions are curated to connect the artwork to the gallery space. The connection is designed to pull an experience from the viewer. I’m sure most have experienced a specific feeling from an exhibit, but have you ever thought what elements, other than the artwork, made you feel that way?

A Day with Baby Boomers

Peace, love and freedom. That is how I identify the 1960s and 1970s. As a daughter of two baby boomers, I have heard plenty of stories of life lived in a generation full of social movements, bright colors, substances, and bell bottoms. It was a counterculture that gave birth to hippies.

I Am Minneapolis

This year at WAM, mindfulness is an overarching theme present in exhibitions and programs. Part of mindfulness is self reflection - understanding identity. Of course, this got me thinking. What is identity? The definition may seem fairly obvious, but this word has certain nuances because identity is constructed in a different way for everyone.

Fall Colors

Without hesitation, I say October is the most beautiful month of the year. I also say without hesitation that it ends too quickly. It rests on a temporary cusp of time between the Indian Summer days of September and the dry-cold days of November. The climate is temperate. The autumnal sun gives the shorter days a certain glow. The most brilliant part about October, however, is the change of colors.  

Crossover to Balance: Q&A with Mark Wheat of MPR's The Current

Interview by Luna Allen-Bakerian, Transcription by Hannah Germaine