Index of Articles and Essays

Yo Mama's Story | An Interview with Amoke Kubat

Amoke Kubat is an artist, weaver, sacred doll maker, and occasional stand-up comedian, and has been in-residence at the Target Studio since fall 2019. She uses her art to speak truth to power and to maintain a position of wellness in an America sick with inequalities and inequities.

Brooks Turner: Legends and Myths of Ancient Minnesota

On October 25, 2020, about 36,000 Twin Cities subscribers of the Star Tribune newspaper received the Legends and Myths of Ancient Minnesota, an exhibition-in-print by Brooks Turner.

Walk Back to Your Body: Peng Wu

Last fall, four artists and five medical researchers embarked on interdisciplinary collaborations that have led to new cultural perspectives on complex medical questions. This series of blog posts is meant to highlight their processes before the culmination of these collaborations, taking place in the Target Studio on December 5. More info about that event here >>

Walk Back to Your Body: Anna Marie Shogren

Last fall, four artists and five medical researchers embarked on interdisciplinary collaborations that have led to new cultural perspectives on complex medical questions. This series of blog posts is meant to highlight their processes before the culmination of these collaborations, taking place in the Target Studio on December 5. More info about that event here >>

Walk Back to Your Body: Yuko Taniguchi

Last fall, four artists and five medical researchers embarked on interdisciplinary collaborations that have led to new cultural perspectives on complex medical questions. This series of blog posts is meant to highlight their processes before the culmination of these collaborations, taking place in the Target Studio on December 5. More info about that event here >>