Ricardo Dominguez

About the Artist

Ricardo Dominguez is an artist and father who was born in Tacoma, Washington to Mexican and Spanish parents who relocated to St.Paul, Minnesota and settled on the city’s West Side. The neighborhood is predominantly Hispanic with a diverse community. This neighborhood is known for its vibrant art on the streets and sides of buildings. During his time incarcerated, he was consumed by his art and artistic expression. The escape it offered him remains indescribable. He continued to practice, got better, and learned what he liked about using colors. He also loves listening to music while creating art. Ricardo has always enjoyed working out and playing handball with friends. He remembers being an artist in grade school. His grade school janitor can confirm this—he cleaned a lot of Ricardo’s art off the school walls. Growing up, he loved the look of graffiti and how crazy they can make the letters look. The more he practiced it the more he loved it. Ricardo continues to learn every day.