333 E River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States
Additional Details
Thank you for your overwhelming response to this workshop! Unfortunately, we need to close registration due to spatial constraints. Please sign up on our waitlist to be notified of possible openings as they become available. You may also visit emergingcurators.org/events to stay up-to-date on other learning opportunities offered by the Emerging Curators Institute.
Led by Minnesota art practitioners, this workshop will be dedicated to creative work that merges curatorial and art practices, discussing systems that support expanded concepts of art practice and the ethical implications of doing (or not doing) this work. The workshop will inspire artists and organizers in the Twin Cities to change conversations around valuing and validating artistic and curatorial work to incorporate new integrative practices in their projects and bring new practitioners—with an emphasis on women and people of color—to an evolving curatorial field.
This workshop was co-organized by Jehra Patrick, artist, program director for the Emerging Curators Institute, and director and curator for the Law Warschaw Gallery at Macalester College, and Boris Oicherman, Cindy and Jay Ihlenfeld Curator for Creative Collaboration at WAM.
Curating as Artistic Practice is a part of the programming series of the Emerging Curators Institute (ECI), and is a collaboration between WAM and ECI. ECI is supported by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of its Knight Arts Challenge, and by the Metro Regional Arts Council through an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State’s general fund.