333 E River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States
Additional Details
This presentation seeks to engage attendees from a perspective that looks outside of territorial lines and colonial maps. The following topics are discussed: traditional Anishinaabe women’s role with the water, colonization and violence towards Native women, environmental racism, current water issues in urban areas such as Flint to Native/First Nations communities such as the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Neskantaga First Nation, to Aamjiwnaang First Nation.
Nigig-enz Baapi nindizhinikaaz. Ajijaak doodem. Kchiwiikwedong miinawaa Mashkiziibi nindonjibaa. Naaminitigong nindaa.
My name is Little Laughing Otter. I am crane clan. I come from the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibway. I live in the Land Beneath the Trees (Manistee, MI).
Cecelia is Ojibway/Métis and is Mashkiziibi (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibway or LaPointe Band of Ojibway) and Kchiwiikwedong (Keweenaw Bay Indian Community). They are enrolled in Mashkiziibi and maintain a strong community affiliation to Kchiwiikwedong. Cecelia is the Founder and Owner of Red Circle Consulting, Waub Ajijaak Press and the Native Justice Coalition. They identify as Two-Spirit based in their Ojibway culture from an old school and decolonial framework. Their poetry and writing is featured in 25 anthologies, booklets, chapbooks, dissertations, exhibits, journals, magazines, and online Indigenous-Native publications.
They have a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and a Master of Arts in Environmental Leadership from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Other cool facts include: (1) quintessential traditional Anishinaabe runner (2) sobriety – 9.5 years strong and (3) proud to be Gen X.
More at www.anishinaabekwe.com — www.nativejustice.org