Warda Moosa

About the Artist

I am a sophomore in the Apparel Design program at the University of Minnesota, looking to explore modest-wear for women across various diverse backgrounds.

Artist Statement:

Warda Moosa’s concept she explored for this project was the effect of the fashion industry on climate change and how the melting of ice is causing communities to be threatened and create a wave of climate refugees. This garment was constructed because Warda saw the need to  evoke a human emotion that helps people become more informed about the impact of the global fashion industry at all levels of our environment. The designer’s garment consists of a top with flared sleeves that is covered with laser-cut ice shards. The skirt is pleated and made out of a plastic table cover. The black plastic at the bottom of the skirt showcases polluted water bodies. Gems scattered throughout the garment represent the effect of climate change on the displacement of communities throughout the world.