Karolina Doran

About the Artist

I have enjoyed learning about apparel design and manufacturing at the U. I have learned the harmful ways and the new ways we can change the process for the better.

Artist Statement:

Karolina Doran created her garment to reflect the effect of the harmful chemical dyes used in the apparel industry.  These dyes and chemicals find their way into rivers and water sources that are used for irrigation and contaminate local plants and crops in the places that produce clothing. The garment was constructed using ¼ inch chicken wire and ¼ inch burlap netting, both of which are used often in farming and gardening. Black duct tape, acrylic paint, and hot glue were utilized as symbols of the harsh chemicals and dyes used in the fashion industry. The flower petals start as a natural color in the middle and slowly transition to an oozing, inky black color as they get further away from the center. Karolina wants to bring attention to the effect of dyes and chemicals on plants, surrounding communities, and the planet.