Abigail Talapa

About the Artist

Abigail Talapa is from Wisconsin where she lives with her Mom, Dad, Sister, and Dog.  She aspires to create wearable designs that reflect the reusability of items

Artist Statement:

Human health is most impacted by pollution from fossil fuels used to generate heat and energy during the fiber and yarn preparation process.  Inspired to reduce fashion’s footprint, Abigail Talapa began researching ways to incorporate personal connections into textile creation. While reading about pet owners using their dogs’ fur as a fiber for clothing, Abigail wondered if she could do the same.  This garment was inspired by the concept of using pet hair as a renewable source for clothing fiber. By collecting a pets’ fur and sending it off to a local facility for spinning, the consumer has a more personal involvement in a garment’s creation and reduces the impact of textile creation.  Abigail’s garment is made of synthetic hair and silverware. The garment consists of a wig, a bow-shaped shirt, and a skirt with long fringe. Abigail did try using her dog’s fur, but unfortunately it was too pungent to be worn.