Abigail Mitchell

About the Artist

Born and raised in Duluth Minnesota, Abigail Mitchell is a dedicated artist with a passion for fashion. She is pursuing both a degree in Art and Apparel Design here at the U of M. She loves to spend her spare time playing music or hanging out with her wonderfully wacky friends and family.

Artist Statement:

Icescape is a reflection on the Vanishing Ice exhibit, and the textures of the ice as it melts into water through the lens of the apparel industry. Using recycled and found materials such as plastic bags, paper, old leather belt strips, Q-Tips, ropes and an old portfolio bag, the garment illustrates the captivating textures of melting ice.The construction process consisted of cutting and gluing small materials to a lace-up bodice made from a plastic portfolio bag. Simple knotting and macrame techniques were used to construct the skirt.

The drying up of the Aral Sea to feed cotton farms in Central Asia, was a strong inspiration for Abigail and is shown in the skirt of the garment as the ropes drastically change in length and color. By illustrating the loss of life sustaining water taken by the cotton industry, Abigail hopes to start a dialogue on sustainable clothing solutions and how cotton may not be the quick fix we hope it to be.